Projects and Field Research
Identifying and Evaluating the Impact of Regulations
Photo: Duke Energy
Construction Industry Institute, 2017-2019
What is the current best practice for decision making methodologies to proactively identify, evaluate, and respond to the impact of regulations throughout the different project life cycle phases?
Throughout the project lifecycle, infrastructure projects experience different regulatory risks, such as decommissioning requirements or the Clean Power Plan (CPP) that was introduced in 2015. This research study seeks to assess and define existing methodologies used within the industry to proactively identify, anticipate, and respond to pre-existing and the ever-evolving regulatory requirements that are imposed on utilities.
To find out more about this project and the Construction Industry Institute, see here.
Global Water for Sustainability Program
United States Agency for International Development, 2004-2014
The Global Water for Sustainability Program (GLOWS) was an FIU-led initiative funded by the United States Agency for International Development from 2004-2014. The program focused on providing water management services to people and ecosystems, including integrated water management policies, water supply, sanitation, and hygiene improvements, and research and education programs in the water sector.
To find out more visit the GLOWS homepage. For access to data and publications visit the database.
Analysis of Haitian Water Sector, Legal Frameworks, and Institutional Capacities
Inter-American Development Bank, 2014-2016
The Water Availability, Quality, and Integrated Water Resources Management in Northern Haiti Project aims to understand freshwater dynamics in Haiti, including the quantity and quality of water resources, and the political structures that govern their use. The project is assessing gaps in the availability of hydrological data, modeling future water scenarios, and creating a water management plan for the Caracol Industrial Park in Northern Haiti.
My research is investigating the legal frameworks that enable water governance to take place, focusing on the shortfalls and obstacles to effective regulation. Two primary governance challenges both relate to fragmentation. On the national or horizontal level, several ministries have some influence over water management, and coordination is minimal. On the vertical level, local governments don't have sufficient human or financial resources to manage water effectively.
Natural Resources Management in the Republic of Georgia
United States Agency for International Development, 2010-2014
Georgia is a country rich in natural resources, including forests, water, and hydroelectric potential. Since the Rose Revolution in 2003 the country has experienced sustained economic growth, some of which is attributable to unsustainable natural resource exploitation. Our project took an institutional approach towards improving natural resources management in watersheds of Georgia, including youth involvement, community consultation and integrated planning, and inter-ministerial coordination of national policy.
Since the fall of the Soviet Union, the Kura-Aras River Basin remains one of the most significant basins lacking a cooperative governance framework. As an adviser to the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, I provided legal opinions on the rights and duties implicated by provisions of a draft agreement between Georgia and Azerbaijan to jointly manage the Kura River.
Assessing Capacity of Water Sector NGOs in Sub-Saharan Africa
United States Agency for International Development, 2010-2012
In Africa, like in other regions, there are large, well-staffed international, regional, and national NGOs in the Water delivery, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) field. There are also a number of local level CBOs and NGOs that lack the necessary technical capacity to deliver positive contributions to WASH challenges. Our project undertook a number or applied research activities to better understand this gap, including an NGO/CBO WASH sector database and detailed human resource assessments in Tanzania, Mozambique, and Burkina Faso. The findings contributed to the development of a WASH Governance Training Manual designed to provide modular courses to WASH professionals and volunteers.